this website was created originally to support the
nomination of Dr. Connie Mariano for the position of U.S. Surgeon General that began March 6, 2009 and
ended on May 13, 2009 when Dr. Mariano withdrew her name from the nomination process.
Website is now updated to promote Dr. Connie Mariano in
her new career as the author of the book, The White House Doctor
On Wed, 5/13/09, Eleanor Mariano <xxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Eleanor Mariano
<xxxxxxxx> Subject: decision to withdraw To: Date:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 8:43 AM
Dear Maria,
I have been touched by the outpouring of support from all
the people you have contacted throughout the past few months.
Most important of all, I have been honored and moved by your
dedication in lobbying for my
After much soul-searching, I must regretfully request you
withdraw my name from the nomination process. Although
I would have been excited and capable of performing the duties of
the office of Surgeon General, at this point in my life and
career, I'm unable to dedicate the time and energy to do so.
Please accept my deepest appreciation for all your hard work.
And my thanks to all the people who have supported me.
I hope to meet with you personally on my next visit to California.
Many, many thanks!
Center for Executive Medicine
Name of Rear Admiral (Ret. USN) Connie Mariano Formally Submitted to the White House
4/29/2009 Senator Will Espero (Hawaii
20th District)
5/04/2009 Representative Roland D. Sagum,
111 (Hawaii 16th District)
5/05/2009 Senator Robert Bunda (Hawaii 22nd
Barrack Obama
The White
1600 Pennsylvannia Avenue NW
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. President,
My name
is Will Espero, State Senator, District 20, State of Hawaii. As a member of the Hawaii State Legislature, I would like to formally submit the name
of Rear Admiral Eleanor Concepcion "Connie" Mariano, United States Navy Retired, for the position of Surgeon General of the
United States of America.
Dr. Connie
Mariano is a nominee who will integrate her vast experience in the military and civilian health care system. Her significant achievements include being the White House Physician to President George H. W. Bush, President
Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush. This makes her the longest serving
White House Physician in US history. In addition, she is the first woman Director of the White House Medical Unit, the
first graduate of the Uniformed Services University of Medicine to reach flag officer status and the first Filipino-American
to reach the rank of the Rear Admiral in the United States Navy after being nominated by President Bill Clinton. Her military awards include the Presidential Service Badge, three awards of the Navy Commendation Medal,
the Navy Achievement Medal, three
awards of the Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation and the Battle E Unit
her roles as a physician and military officer, she holds faculty appointments at the Uniformed Services University School
of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center and George Washington University
Medical Center. She developed a mass casualty-training program at USS Prairie which earned her ship the title of "Benchmark
Ship in Mass Casualty Control" for two consecutive years during her tour. She
is also a certified Advanced Cardiac Life Support instructor and a certified provider of Advanced Trauma Life Support.
Dr. Connie Mariano is a physician who had devoted her entire military career in providing excellent hands on care for the
increasing health needs of our retired, active duty and military service returnees from the current Middle
East conflicts.
I believe
that Dr. Connie Mariano is deserving of your consideration for Surgeon General of the United States of America. If her previous
work experience and reputation is of any indication, then our nation will greatly benefit from Dr. Connie Mariano's presence
and expertise. Dr. Connie Mariano is one of the finest officers that ever served with excellence
in the United States military and in the White House. She is someone who has never
wavered in serving for the common good of the American people.
Hawaii, as a state,
has the largest percentage of Filipino-Americans in the nation. We would be proud
to have Rear Admiral Eleanor Concepcion Mariano to serve you and our nation.
If there
are other ways in which I can be of assistance on behalf of Dr. Connie Mariano, please contact me. (phone: anti-Spam– fax: anti-Spam )
Will Espero

Online Contact for President Barack Obama
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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
DC 20500
Phone Numbers
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Online Contact for Vice President Joe Biden
Online Contact for the White
House Transition Team
An Open
Letter to President Barack Obama to Request for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano
to the
Position of Surgeon General of the United States of America
His Excellency President Barack Obama
The White House 1600
Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
We humbly submit this petition for the nomination of Rear Admiral Eleanor Concepcion “Connie” Mariano, USN (Ret) to the position of the Surgeon
General of the United States of America. We did not submit this request earlier out of respect to
the fact that your Excellency had expressed your preference to nominate Dr. Sanjay Gupta to the position of Surgeon General.
In consideration of the fact that Dr. Gupta already
withdrew his nomination, allow us then to submit a nomination for Rear Admiral Connie Mariano, not only because she is fully
qualified for the position, but most important she is deserving of such honor. We are also providing a copy of the permission
from Dr. Mariano that she agreed that her name be included in the formal nomination.
Dr. Connie Mariano’s significant achievements include being the White House Physician to President George H.W. Bush, President Bill Clinton,
and President George W. Bush that makes her the longest serving White House physician
in U.S. history. She is the first woman Director of the White House Medical Unit.
She is also the first graduate of the Uniformed Services University of Medicine to reach flag officer status. Additionally,
Dr. Mariano is the first Filipino-American to reach the rank of Rear Admiral in the United States Navy after being nominated
by President Bill Clinton. Her military awards include the Presidential Service Badge, three awards of the Navy Commendation
Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal, three awards of the Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation and the Battle E Unit Commendation.
Dr. Connie Mariano is a nominee who will integrate
her vast experience in the military and civilian health care system with the following agenda of your Excellency
Source of the information about the agenda:
1) Promotion of public health and
preventive care:
The role of the Surgeon General in serving as the
nation’s chief health educator by providing to the Americans the best scientific information available on how to improve
their health and reduce the risk of illness and injury is a role that Dr. Mariano is capable of handling based on her experiences
as the Private Physician of the three Presidents of the United States, as the medical doctor for the military, as a Mayo Clinic
and as a hands on physician in her current private medical practice that were all focused in preventive care. When Secretary
of Health & Human Services nominee, Governor Kathleen Sebelius during her Senate confirmation
hearing on April 2, 2009 stated that her focus are on increasing prevention and primary care; steering resources toward wellness
rather than sickness; emphasizing quality and efficiency, these are the realities that Dr. Mariano encounter daily in her
role as a primary care physician.
Moreover, the long time experience of Dr. Mariano
in dealing with the two former Presidents Bush and President Clinton who are similarly like your Excellency, undeniably the
most powerful individuals in the world while maintaining the discipline in the management of their health care needs, as well
as performing her public duty of handling press conferences under the scrutiny of the media will provide her the confidence
and composure to perform the duties of a Surgeon General. We could only imagine
how she managed with the situations of informing former President George H.W. Bush that actually broccoli is good for him,
as well as convincing former Pres. Clinton to stay away from those super size hamburgers and cupcakes and had she stayed long
enough as the physician of Pres. George W. Bush, she probably would have suggested that there are healthier snack alternatives
to pretzel. Indeed, Dr. Mariano had met many challenges in her career, that none
of the other nominees had experienced. Additionally,
she holds faculty appointments at the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine, Georgetown
University Medical Center
and George Washington
University Medical Center giving her the necessary experience to fulfill the
role of the Surgeon General as the nation’s chief health care educator and communicator.
Moreover Dr. Mariano is no stranger to giving speeches as well as being interviewed by media personalities that include
Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
2) Increase of State and local
preparedness for terrorist attacks and national disaster
Dr. Mariano developed a mass casualty-training program
at U.S.S. Prairie which earned her ship the title of "Benchmark Ship in Mass Casualty Control" for two consecutive years during
her tour. She is also a certified Advanced Cardiac Life Support instructor and a certified provider of Advanced Trauma Life Support.
3) Providing the best care possible
to the veterans
Following an internship in Internal Medicine at
San Diego Naval Hospital in 1982, Dr. Mariano was assigned as the General Officer on board USS Prairie
where she served as the sole physician for a ship's company of 750 men and women. While onboard her ship, Dr. Mariano completed a Western Pacific deployment. She had branded her private care practice with the acronym of her military rank STAR
for Service, Trust, Access and Relationship.
Undeniably, Dr. Connie Mariano is a physician who
had devoted her entire military service in providing excellent hands on care to those who serve from the lowest military rank
up to the three commanders-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the United States that will guide her in the role of the Surgeon
General in protecting and advancing the health of the nation. There is never
a better advocate than a retired career naval officer for the increasing health needs of our retired, active-duty and military
service returnees from the current Middle East war.
4) Sensitivity to the issues of
poverty, the aging population and women’s health
Dr. Mariano have the unique qualities of proven
empathy to the needs of her patients in her medical practice that consist of patients from 20-to 90 yrs of age making her
without doubt an advocate of women health issues, as well as of the aging population.
Her life is the embodiment and fulfillment of the American dream that will give her a unique sensitivity to many issues
that is vital to our nation as we grow more diverse. Neither, is she a stranger to poverty because of her humble beginning.
Dr. Mariano possesses these other unique qualities
that she will bring to the nomination process:
1) Since Dr. Mariano had served the three leaders
of both political parties, her nomination will most likely generate bipartisan support
that will build a bridge to the political divide and avoid the petty politics that sometimes mar the nomination process.
2) Because of her experience in running her own
private practice, she will be sensitive to the issues involving the challenges we faced in our economy and the many aspect
of maintaining a business during this very challenging times in our nation’s history.
Your Excellency, allow us to present Dr. Connie
Mariano in her own words during her promotion to the position of Rear Admiral in 2001, speaking about her compelling narrative:
"I am pleased to stand before you today as proof
that Filipino-Americans in the Navy no longer must go through the kitchen, the back door or the garage. I came to the White House by way of the kitchen. I came from
a family of Navy stewards. The first Mariano who served in the United States
Navy joined in the 1920s. At that time and for many years thereafter, the only
way Filipinos were able to serve in the Navy was as stewards. The Mariano men
served with pride and accumulated a total of over 100 years of service among them. My
father had served six admirals in their homes, so, 45 years later, for this to happen in my family is quite an honor.
To her father who retired as a master chief after
serving 29 years and to her four Filipino godfathers who were also Navy master chiefs, Dr. Mariano said, "Thank you for reminding
me daily that I owe my presence here to people like you and my father who paved the way.
Thank you for never letting me forget about the qualities of kindness, silent
service, loyalty and humility. The Navy meant many things to my family. It meant freedom from poverty, for my father's family was very poor. The Navy meant the opportunity to succeed. The Navy meant
hope that one day your children would get an education and perhaps boldly dream of becoming physicians or naval officers. The Navy meant all the good things America
had to offer.”
Therefore, it is both with pride and humility that
we present to your Excellency, the name of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano for the nomination to the position of Surgeon General. Sir, Dr. Mariano is one of the finest officers that ever served with excellence in
the United States military and in the
White House. She is someone who never wavered in serving for the common good of the American public.
We thank your Excellency for your consideration
of our petition.
Respectfully Submitted
with the following Attachment:
Dr. Connie Mariano
was born in 1955 former Clark US Air Force base in Angeles
City, Pampanga, Philippines to a U.S. Navy Steward and a Filipina dentist. Her father retired
as a Master Chief Petty Officer after twenty nine years of service. Dr. Mariano
moved to Hawaii with her family when she was two years old and later grew up in Imperial Beach California near the Mexican
border. She also lived in Taiwan and Washington, DC.
Dr. Mariano is married
to American lawyer Richard Stevens. They have two sons - Jason and Andrew
Dr. Mariano’s
earned her medical degree from the Uniformed Services University of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland in 1981 and a degree in
Biology in 1977 from Revelle College at the University of California where she was cum laude. She was also the valedictorian
in Mar Vista High
School at Imperial Beach, California
in 1973.
Upon retirement from
the U.S. Navy which she had served from 1977 to 2001, Dr. Mariano continued her medical career by working at the Mayo Clinic
in Scottsdale, Arizona from
2001 until 2005. She founded the Center for Executive Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona in 2005
On Fri, 3/20/09, drconniexxxx wrote:
From: drconniexxxx
Subject: Re: Nomination For Surgeon General To: "m e" <> Date: Friday, March 20, 2009, 8:47
AM Dear Maria,
I am deeply honored and touched by the groundswell of support generated by you, Colonel Monteyro
and so many others. I will consider the nomination (but with reservations) should my name be submitted formally to the
White House.
Many thanks, Dr Connie Mariano
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless
Sent online per receipt
President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible administration
in American history. To send questions, comments, concerns, or well-wishes to the President or his staff, please use the form
Thank you.
You can also call or write to the President:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
email sent online on 4/13/2009 6:24PM
President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible
administration in American history. To send questions, comments, concerns, or well-wishes to the President or his staff, please
use the form below:
Thank you.
You can also call or write to the President:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Vice President Joe Biden is committed to creating the most open
and accessible administration in American history. To send questions, comments, concerns, or well-wishes to the Vice President
or Dr. Jill Biden, please use the form below:
Thank you.
You can also call or write to the Vice President:
Vice President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Letter to Dr. Jill Biden
Thank you.
You can also call or write to the Vice President:
Vice President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Receipt Online Contact for the White House Transition Team
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 8:30 PM
"" <>
We would like to forward to your office the following petition that we had submitted to President Barack Obama as follows:
An Open Letter to President Barack Obama to Request
for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano
to the Position of Surgeon General of the United
States of America |
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:08 PM
"m e" <>
of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:07 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:10 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:11 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:54 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:55 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:48 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:56 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:58 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Saturday, April 11, 2009 11:59 PM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:00 AM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:01 AM
"m e" <>
Nomination of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General
Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:03 AM
"m e" <>
Follow-up online: Senator Espero of Hawaii
Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General Sat, 5/9/09 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii
submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General to the White House Sat, 5/9/09 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General to
the White House Sat, 5/9/09 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii
submitted the name of Dr. Connie Mariano for surgeon General to the White House Sat, 5/9/09 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii submitted the name of Dr.
Connie Mariano for Surgeon General of the U.S.
to the White House Sat, 5/9/09 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii submitted the name of Dr. Connie Mariano for Surgeon Gen to the White House Sat,
5/9/09 8KB
Senator Espero of Hawaii Submitted the name of Dr.
Mariano for Surgeon General 1:31 PM 9KB Senator Espero of Hawaii
Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General 12:09 PM 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii
Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General 12:08 PM 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii
Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General 12:08 PM 8KB
Read jpika@UDel.Edu Senator Espero of Hawaii
Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General 12:08 PM 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii
Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General 12:07 PM 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii
Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General 12:07 PM 8KB
Read Senator Espero of Hawaii Submitted the name of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General 12:06 PM 8KB
States we are representing:
Alaska Arizona California Colorado Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Maryland Michigan Nevada New Jersey
New Mexico New York Oregon
Pennsylvania Texas Virginia
Senate President Emeritus Robert Bunda State
of Hawaii
Senator Will
Espero State of Hawaii 20th District
Senator Mike
Gabbard State of Hawaii 19th District
Senator Brickwood
Galuteria State of Hawaii 12th District
Vice Speaker Michael Y. Magaoay of State of Hawaii House of Representatives
Minority Floor Leader Lynn Finnegan of State of Hawaii House of Representatives
Representative Henry
J.C. Aquino State
of Hawaii 35th District
Representative Rida
Cabanilla State of Hawaii 42nd District
Representative Joey
Manahan State of Hawaii 29th District
Representative Roland
Sagum State of Hawaii 16th District
Representative Clift
Tsuji State of Hawaii 3rd District
Representative Dennis
B. Apuan State
of Colorado 17th District
Delegate Kriselda “Kris” Valderrama, State of Maryland General Assembly
26th District Annapolis Maryland
Hon. Owen Diaz, former Mayor of Milan City Michigan; Administrator for two Medical Clinics & business owner
Hon. Henry Manayan former Mayor of Milpitas, California (three terms) outgoing president of Fil-Am Democratic Caucus; Incoming President of Milpitas Rotary Club;
former No. Ca AAPI Co-Chair, Hillary Clinton for President
Hon. Dolores Sibonga, JD former Seattle Washington
Council Member (1st Asian)
Lt. Gen. (Ret) Edward Soriano US Army
Maj. Gen. (Ret) Antonio M. Taguba U.S. Army resident of Virginia
BGen. (Ret) Oscar B. Hilman, US Army, Pierce County State of Washington
Lt. Col. (Ret) Minerva C. Antonio Wheedleton, M.D. U.S. Army, MC; Medical Consultant, DAS,
DOL, State of Georgia
Maj Gen (Ret) Antonio Seville, AFP PMA (Marangal)
1974 Nevada
(Ret) Romy Monteyro, AFP USN; PMA Associate; Mabuhay News columnist (initiator & coordinator of the nomination); Filvets legislative activist; Scottsdale Arizona
(Ret) Basilio Moreto, AFP PMA 1954 founder of Cavalier Cyber
Prayer Warriors Pacifica, Ca
Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce (founded
Asian/Pacific American Council of Georgia
Filipino American Association of Greater Atlanta Georgia
Dr. Amy Agbayani, Co-chair Hawaii Friends of Civil Rights Honolulu, Hawaii
Ms. Agnes Apolinario,
San Leandro, CA.
Mr. Rudy Asercion, Executive Director West Bay Pilipino Multi-Service, San Francisco, Ca
Eng. Arturo S. Bada, President, Bada Engineering, Inc.,
Bloomfield Michigan
Ms Norma B. Bada, R.N. Home Nursing Care Consultant, Bloomfield
Mr Mark Bailey of Saint Marys Georgia
Mr. Pete Beltran, member Board of Directors, Paniquenians USA,
Inc (Pres.1999-2000), South San Francisco Ca
Ms. Tessie Beltran,
South San Francisco Ca
Ms. Charito Benipayo,
The Islanders TV Host Ch. 3 Comcast; Chair
NAFFAA Region 9 Alameda County
Ms. Maria Jocelyn R. Bernal, New York, New York
Mr. Willy Blanco,
President Asian/Pacific American Council of Georgia
(2009); President, Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta (2008)
Mr. Antonio Boleche,
San Leandro, CA.
Ms.Skye Bolen,
Ririe Idaho
Mr. Ray Burdeos, USCG (Ret.), from Texas; book author "Flips
in Philadelphia", "The
Steward and the Captain's Daughter" and Filipinos in the USN & CG during the Vietnam War
Ms. Corazon Cacho,
Grand Terrace Ca.
Mr Francisco Cacho,
Grand Terrace Ca
Ms. Thelma P. Calabio, CEO/Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, Famegate Magazine, Beverly Hills Ca
MSgt (Ret.) Norm Campbell, USAF Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dr. Gigi Castillo,
writer, editor, columnist; Filvets advocate,
WW11 veteran widow; San Diego Ca
Mr. Juvenal Castro,
USN (Ret), member Board of Directors, Paniquenians USA, Inc (1st Pres.1968-1976) San
Jose Ca
Ms. Lourdes Ceballos,
American Coalition for Filipino Veterans Inc (ACFV),
President National Press Club Philippines-USA; from Chicago, Illinois
Ms. Shirley Chrisman
Austin Texas, daughter of WW1 & WW11 veteran Florentino Akiaten
Mr. Art Cruz President Filipino Community Alliance Tacoma Washington; President of United Filipino
American Community of Pierce County, Inc., located in Tacoma.
Ms. Aurora S. Cudal, Pres. Council of Philippine American Organizations of San Diego 1997-1998; 2004-2005 & Executive Director Samahan
Senior Center San Diego Ca
Atty. Annie Wong-Daly Former Trustee of Group Health Co-Operative Seattle Washington
Ms.Pilar Dela Cruz, Hayward, CA.
Mr. Rom Dela Cruz, architect; Hayward, CA.
Ms. Susan Espiritu Dilkes, (formerly Maquindang), Executive
Director, FASGI (Filipino American Service Group Inc.)
Ms.Loreto Quevedo Dimaandal,. Fil-Am advocate; Former Volunteer
Co-Manager (San Jose/Silicon Valley HQ), Hillary Clinton for President; Core Member,
Hillary Supporters for Obama; Outgoing
Liaison Officer, Laoac Association of No. CA Milpitas
Dr. Marconi Dioso, retired physician; military historian, author “A Trilogy of Wars” Kihei, Hawaii
Mr. Art C. Domingo, Vice Chairman NAFFAA Region X; former Chief of Staff NAFFAA; San Diego California
Ms. Brittany Rose Embry, San Leandro, CA.
Mr. Elmir Embry Jr. San Leandro, CA
Mr. Joseph Embry, US Army (Ret) La Habra Ca
Ms. Chikae Embry, La Habra Ca
Ms. Maria Elizabeth Embry (coordinator of the nomination) Member Cavalier Cyber Prayer Warriors
Antioch Ca
Ms. Mila Embry
Mr. Sherwin Embry
USN (Ret) Hawaii
Mr. Nestor Palugod Enriquez, USN (Ret.) online historian, columnist Filipino Express; Trustee FANHS, Filvets activist from New Jersey
Mr. Cresenciano Espino California
Ms. Ester Espino, San Leandro, CA.
Ms. Irene Espino,
San Leandro, CA.
Ms. Johanna Espino,
San Leandro, CA.
Mr. Paul Espino,
San Leandro, CA
Mr. Perlito Espino, San
Leandro, CA.
Mr. Rommel Espino,
San Leandro, CA.
Ms. Rosemarie Espino,
San Leandro, CA.
Mr Gideon Epistola,
CRB, CRS, GRI; owner/broker John L. Scott University Place; owner Pinoy Reporter (serving
Washington, Oregon & Alaska)
Mr. Ernie Gange,
founding member of NAFFAA from Pennsylvania
Ms. Lilia Hagler
Kennesaw, Georgia
Ms. Meilani Henriques, Westminster Maryland
Ms. Mary R. LaVarnway, retired teacher Wasilla Alaska
Ms. Donna Lavigne
Engr. Jaime J. Lim, Pres. Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce (FPACC); President, Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon;
owner Asian Reporter newspaper
philanthropist & Filipino community advocate
Mr. Willie Llarena member Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Georgia, Inc.(PACCGA)
Canton Georgia
Mr. Brian Luis,
U.C. Davis Ca
Mr. Rolando Luis Jr,
Iraq War veteran Antioch Ca
Ms. Alessandra Luis,
Antioch Ca
Mr. Dante E. Lumaquin, Chairman Board of Directors Paniquenians USA, Inc (Pres. 1981-82) Sacramento Ca
Ms. Malou Mariano, writer, columnist Long Beach Ca
Dr. Juan M. Montero, II, MD, FACS, FICS; of Chesapeake,
Virginia; book author & popular speaker; former
President of the Association of Philippine Physicians (U.S.) & also
Society of Philippine Surgeons (U.S.);
founder of Chesapeake Care Free Clinic; Trustee Physicians for Peace. In 1995, his name was officially submitted
by Cong. Norman Sisisky to the White House for consideration for possible nomination for the position of Surgeon General of the U.S.
Ms. Janina Monteyro,
Scottsdale Arizona
Nhia Nabong, San Leandro, CA.
Mr. Brian Olonan,
Chandler Arizona
Ms Charrie Olonan,
Vallejo Ca
Mr. Emerson Olonan, Vallejo Ca
Jenifer Olonan
Chandler Arizona
Ms. Tessie Olonan,
Vallejo Ca
Mr Bert Parayno,
Las Vegas Nevada
Ms. Marites Pellicer, President of the Filipino American Association of Greater Atlanta, Georgia
Ms. Arsenia M. Pizarro Las Vegas Nevada
Mr Rudy A. Pizarro Las Vegas Nevada
Mr. Alexander L. Quirante Houston Texas Charter
Member Cavalier Cyber Prayer Warriors
Ms. Lourdes M. Quesada, Las Vegas Nevada; widow of Col Francisco Quesada, WW11 veteran,
activist and newspaper columnist “Balitang Beterano”
Ms. Leticia D. Reyes, La Palma Ca
Ms. Rosario Lavitoria Robles, widow of Dr. Eliodoro Robles, 1st Lt. WW11; Economic Director SEATO Thailand (1964-1974); Hercules, California
Atty. Rodel Rodis, former Trustee SF Community College, Pres. of SF Public Utilities Commission, founding member NAFFAA resident of San Francisco Ca.
Ms. Edna Rodis,
RN. San Francisco Ca
Atty. Linda Sarno, former Pres. of the Asian Business Association of Orange
County (Ca). & Fil-American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County
Ms. Thelma Sevilla, Filvets activists; Board President of International
Drop-In Center (IDIC, founded 1972) in Seattle Washington
Ms. Marietta Borromeo Smith Legislative Aide Hawaii State Senate
Dr. Ninfa Saturnino Springer, Professor Emeritus University of Michigan Ann Arbor,
Mr. Robert E. Springer, Whitmore Lake Michigan
Mr. Tom Strong,
Idaho Falls, Idaho
CWO (Ret) Manuel Supnet, USN co-adviser of Col Monteyro Filipino WW11 Veterans Federation San Diego California
Ms. Grace Walker Commissioner, Glendale Commission on the Status of Women (CSW); President, Filipino American Business Association
of Glendale (FABAG)
Pete Yapit, U.S. Air Force (Ret) (coordinator of the nomination) Member Cavalier Cyber Prayer Warriors;
Filvets activist; Colorado Springs
Ms. Carmelita Yapit,
Colorado Springs
Ms. Rowena Yapit
Airlines Flight Attendant Portland Oregon
Ms. Maura Young, Suisun Ca
Mr. Roman Young Jr,
US Army (Ret); Suisun Ca
Mr. Gil P. Zulueta, Chairman Emeritus, NAFFAA Region
Disclaimer Use of titles are for identification only & should not
be construed as official endorsement for or from the organization named
to 2nd e-mail sent to Sect of State Hillary
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Your Question
has been Submitted |
Thank you for
submitting your question to the U.S. Department of State |
Secretary Clinton
Secretary, we respectfully seek your assistance in recommending to President
Barack Obama the nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position
of the Surgeon General of the United States. Please allow us to forward to your
office the following petition that we had submitted to President Barack Obama.
we thank you for any assistance that you maybe able to render to us.
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch California
Tel xxxxx
on behalf
of the following individuals whose names are listed in the petition
List of names follows
Copy of Petition to Pres. Obama follows
(Notes by M.E.Embry
similar e-mail sent to former Pres. Clinton)
Receipt of 1st e-mail sent:
Receipt of online contact w/
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
in as: |
Your Question has been
Submitted |
Thank you for
submitting your question to the U.S. Department of State. |
Online contact for former Pres Clinton
Response by the office staff of former Pres Bill Clinton via tel # 212 348-8882 to Maria Elizabeth Embry, "aware of e-mail
sent; subject of staff discussion yesterday; will call to the attention of former Pres. Clinton"
online contact with former Pres. Bill Clinton
Please submit your
question below.
Thank you for taking the time to write us.
Please be assured that your email will be read. However, due to the high volume of emails we receive, we
may not be able to respond to each email individually. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Thank you for your support.
The Clinton Foundation Web Team
2nd online
contact with former Pres Bill Clinton
Receipt of e-mail sent online 4/13/2009
Thank you for taking the time to
write us.
Please be assured that your email
will be read. However, due to the high volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to each email individually.
We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Thank you for your support.
The Clinton Foundation Web Team
Online receipt for 4/13/2009 7PM contact
3rd online contact 5/1/2009
Thank you for taking the
time to write us.
Please be assured that your
email will be read. However, due to the high volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to each email individually.
We appreciate your understanding and patience.
Thank you for your support.
The Clinton Foundation Web Team
e-mail sent by Col.
Romy Monteyro to former Pres. Bill Clinton:
The Honorable William J. Clinton
West 125th Street
New York,
NY 10027-4516
Dear President Clinton:
This letter seeks your most valuable assistance
in naming to an important government post, a person who is not only fully qualified but also deserving of such honor.
This individual is no stranger to you. In fact she was your personal physician at the White House throughout the years of your very successful
presidency of these United States.. And more than anybody else, you and your equally illustrious wife, Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton know about the suitability of this brilliant medical professional for the position this humble American seeks
for her.
In a similar letter addressed to the current occupant
of the White House, President Barack Obama, I asked that Rear Admiral Connie Mariano, MC, USN (Ret.) be nominated for the
position of Surgeon General.
At the same time I sought the endorsements of
a number of friends in the U.S. Congress, namely Senators Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye; and Congressmen Bob Filner and Mike
Honda, all of whom I worked closely with in obtaining recognition for the wartime services of the valiant Filipino World War
II veterans. Thank God, through relentless prayers and the indefatigable and
consistent support of our champions in Congress, those former freedom fighters, now advanced in age and in frail health will
finally receive their due from our government which simply forgot about them for 63 long years.
But while their endorsement of Admiral Mariano
will help, none of them has the strength of the clout of your good self and Secretary Clinton.
May this old soldier then, ask my former Commander-in
Chief, for his indispensable support in this worthy endeavor? Please be assured,
Mr. President, that I am not recommending Admiral Mariano for this very prestigious post only because she is a fellow Filipino-American. I entertain no illusions either, that Your Excellency is not aware of her very impressive
resume and sterling qualifications.
It is therefore in consideration of her wide ranging
experience and expertise in the field of medicine, which she will bring with her as the top officer of the U.S. Public Health
Services, that I and the entire Filipino-American community
recommend her for this position.
I close with a fervent hope that Your Excellency
and Secretary Clinton share the desire, confidence and enthusiasm of the Filipino-Americans in obtaining for Admiral Connie
Mariano the nomination for the post of Surgeon General of the United States
of America.
Thank you very much, Mr. President, for the incomparable
support you and Secretary Clinton may throw behind our campaign to name a most deserving American to a top post in the Obama
online receipts of contact done
Thank You!
Your comment has been submitted. You can review and print a copy of your message below.
Prefix: |
Ms. |
Name: |
Maria Elizabeth |
Name: |
Embry |
Address: |
xxxxx |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
CA |
Zip: |
94509 |
Phone: |
xxxx |
Phone: |
Email: | |
Subject: |
Health Care |
Message: |
Dear Senator
McCain, I would like to request for your recommendation in favor of Dr. Connie Mariano for the position of Surgeon General.
Dr. Mariano, a resident of Scottsdale Arizona
held the position of White House physician for Pres George H.W. Bush, Pres George W. Bush & she is also a retired Rear
Admiral in the U.S. Navy. She is currently a private practitioner in Scottsdale
Arizona. After retirement she worked as a Mayo Clinic physician @ Scottsdale. I created a website to generate interest in her nomination
Thank you, Sir for your assistance Sincerely, Maria Elizabeth Embry |
message sent via phone @ Sen. McCain's office in Phoenix Az & Wash D.C. ("Matthew") 4/2/2009 3PM
On Mon, 5/11/09, Nutter, Melanie <> wrote:
From: Nutter, Melanie <> Subject:
RE: Nomination of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General To: Date:
Monday, May 11, 2009, 2:12 PM
Thank you very much for contacting Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district office regarding the nomination request for Dr. Connie Mariano
for Surgeon General. Due to the Speaker’s prior commitments to other candidates for the position, she will be
unable to lend her endorsement to Dr. Mariano.
Please contact me should you have any
further questions at our district office at 415-556-4862 or
We wish you and Dr. Mariano the best
of luck in your future pursuits.
Melanie Nutter
Deputy District Director
Office of Congresswoman Nancy
handcarried to the offices of Sen Feinstein, Sen Boxer, Speaker Pelosi on 4/16/2009
& Rep Tauscher on 4/17/2009
Letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Barbara
Boxer, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher Re: Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon
General of the United States by President Barack Obama
name is Maria Elizabeth Embry of Antioch California and once again I am humbly seeking your valuable assistance in forwarding
to the White House my personal appeal and also an appeal on
behalf of many individuals whose names I had previously submitted to your attention, a recommendation to President
Barack Obama for the nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States.
We had repeatedly submitted our plea since March 11, 2009 via on line websites, e-mails and letters hand-carried to
your respective offices.
in the Filipino-American community, clamor for a representation in President Barack Obama’s administration. We would like President Obama to continue
what former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush
did in including our community in their administrations. Our expectation is actually for more participation in the
Obama-Biden administration in consideration of their stated goal of inclusiveness. Undeniably, the participation of
our community in the government fosters assimilation that promotes good citizenship and civic involvement of the Filipino-Americans.
The nomination of Dr. Mariano will validate the valuable contribution of our community in the United States, especially in the military and in the medical professions.
believe that Dr. Connie Mariano is very much qualified for consideration in the position of Surgeon
General by virtue of her stellar military service as the longest serving White
House physician in the history of the United States. Dr. Mariano also has a vast experience in the military
and civilian health care system as a military ship and a Mayo
Clinic physician, as well as her current private medical practice that will help in her role as the Surgeon General.
Additionally, since Dr. Mariano had served the presidency of both political parties, her nomination will most likely generate
bipartisan support.
would like to thank you for your attention to this matter.
Elizabeth Embry
Antioch Ca 94509
16, 2009
Hand delivered to
the following offices on 3/23/2009 & 3/24/2009:
Feinstein & Boxer
Pelosi (3/23/2009) & Rep Tauscher (3/24/2009)
Re: Request for
Submission of Nomination for Surgeon General
In Favor of Rear
Admiral Connie Mariano
Former White House
Physician for Pres. George H.W. Bush,
Pres. Bill Clinton
and Pres. George W. Bush
Dear Madam
Receipt online contact 7:10 PM 4/13/2009
Follow up online submission via website 5/1/2009
Sen Boxer
Thank you!
Thanks for submitting your views on this issue. Your message will reach the Senator
Receipt online contact 7:50PM
Contact Us
Thank you!
Rep Ellen Tauscher
2121 North California #555
Walnut Creek California
Dear Rep Tauscher,
First of all please
accept my heartfelt congratulations in your acceptance of an offer by the administration of President Barack Obama to an appointment
to serve as the Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security pending confirmation by the Senate.
In my personal opinion,
I could not think of any better person to occupy said position than your Honor who has been working excellently for her constituents
needs, since it has been my personal experience during my many contact with your office, especially in the matter of the war
veterans in Iraq that include my two sons.
Now I come again
to beseech your Honor’s assistance in the matter of nomination for Dr. Connie
Mariano, former White House physician for President George H.W. Bush, President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush
in the position of Surgeon General.
I am enclosing my
plea for submission of said petition of nomination to the White House and the nominating committee that I also submitted yesterday
by visiting the offices of Senators Feinstein, Boxer and Speaker Pelosi, whose staff assured me that said petition will be
sent to their legislative office in Washington D.C.
as of last night for their consideration.
This morning, during
a phone call to ex-President Clinton’s office I was
assured by his staff member that my personal plea for his endorsement had come to their attention and that action would be
taken to bring it to the attention of ex-President Clinton. We have been involved in a flurry of activities, since time is
of the essence, in a concentrated effort to bring this to the attention of legislators in Nevada,
Colorado, Arizona and other
Thank you for your
attention to this matter.
Maria Elizabeth
Antioch California
Tel xxxx
From: Pete Shane Feliciano [mailto: xxxxxx ] Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 11:14 AM To:
me <> Cc: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Nominating Rear ADM Eleanor Connie Mariano as
our nations next U.S. Surgeon General. Importance: High
FYI: Today 24 March 2009, Contacted Colorado Senators by e-mail and followed
by phone call to alert the Staff in Washington , DC
Senator Michael Bennet: Pikes Peak Regional Office 409 North Tejon St., Suite 107 Colorado Springs , 80903 Phone: 719-328-1100 – called and alerted Staff Office Fax: 719-328-1129
Senator Mark Udall’ Directory
Washington , D.C. Office
202-224-5941 F: 202-224-6471
Westminster Office
number for Coloradans: 877-768-3255 (called staff in Denver )
(Open e-letters)
Dear Senator Bennet,
I am one of the Filipino-American of Colorado Springs
communities joining for the campaign to the nomination of Dr. Mariano. I
hereby, request if you would join Senator Udall for the endorsement in nominating Rear ADM Eleanor Connie Mariano as our nations
next U.S. Surgeon General.
Also, I am writing this open e-letter to assure Dr. Mariano’s letter
of nomination guarantees of being considered during the selection process. My gut feeling tells me she is worthy if not the most qualified candidate commensurate for this critically important position.
On March 23, 2009, my colleague Ms. Maria Elizabeth Embry personally
hand carried the nomination of RADM Eleanor Connie Mariano as our nations next U.S. Surgeon General through the Staff office
of Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Barbara Boxer and Staff of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assured to convey the nomination.
At this moment, Ms. Embry informed me that a telephone conversation
exists with the Staff of Ex-President Clinton with the assurance
of conveying the message to his attention for the nomination of Dr. Mariano.
Thank you for your consideration and Godspeed.
Feliciano F. Yapit, USAF (Ret.)
Son of Felix Yapit, “ Bataan Death March Survivor” (1911 – 1999 Colorado Springs, CO)
Korean War Veterans, Life Member of VFW
XXXXXXXX Colorado Springs , CO 80917-2305
Mobile Phone XXXXXXXXX, e-mail: xxxxxx
E-mail to Rep Dennis Apuan of Colorado
of Dr. Connie Mariano for Surgeon General
Thursday, April 9, 2009 1:57 PM
"m e" <>
Honorable Dennis Apuan
House of Representatives
Dear Rep Apuan,
We, respectfully seek your assistance to recommend Dr. Connie Mariano to Pres Obama for nomination to
the position of Surgeon General of the United States.
Please allow us to paste here a copy of the petition submitted to Pres. Obama, as well as to Speaker
Pelosi, Senators Feinstein & Boxer & U.S. Rep Tauscher.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Maria Elizabeth Embry, nomination coordinator
Antioch Ca 94509
(925) xxxx
1) An Open Letter to President
Barack Obama to Request for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano
to the Position
of Surgeon General of the United States of America
2) List of Supporters
for this Petition
you for your e-mail to Senator Michael Bennet
Friday, May 1, 2009
1:52 PM
"" <>
-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
Dear Friend: Thank you for your e-mail message.
RE: Nomination
of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano for Surgeon General
Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:54 AM
"m e" <>
"Governor Charlie Crist" <>
Mr. Warren,
thank you so much for your response. As a matter of fact, we already did many times all the following methods that you enumerated
in your response, but to this time has found no traction in our endeavor.
let Gov. Crist know that I thank him for your response & I really have a lot of respect for the accessibility approach
that he gives to all of us. Although, I am not one of his constituent I could always rely on him to at least respond
to questions & be helpful like when you folks forwarded my letter to former Pres. George W. Bush as I requested last
year. Wish we have more public officials like Gov Crist. Hope to be able to vote for him when he runs for a national
office one day. Just let him know that he truly have a friend here in Antioch
Saturday, April 18, 2009 2:56 AM
"m e" <>
--- On Thu, 4/16/09, Governor
Charlie Crist <> wrote:
Governor Charlie Crist <> Subject: RE: Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano for
Surgeon General To: "m e" <> Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009, 10:10 AM Dear Ms. Embry: Thank you for contacting Governor Charlie Crist. The
Governor asked that I respond on his behalf. For assistance, you may submit questions, comments or concerns through the White House
contact page at, or you may call the
White House Comments
Line at 1-202-456-1111 (TTY: 1-202-456-6213). If you would like to speak to a live person,
please call the White House
Switchboard at 1-202-456-1414. Thank you again for taking the time to contact Governor Crist. Sincerely, Warren Davis Office of Citizen
Services |
Acknowledging receipt of your email
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
12:00 PM
Charlie Crist" <>
"m e" <>
you for contacting Governor Charlie Crist.
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie
Mariano for Surgeon General
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:59
"m e" <>
Gov Crist:
We respectfully
seek your assistance in recommending to President Barack Obama the nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to
the position of the Surgeon General of the United States. Please allow us to forward to your office the following petition
that we had submitted to President Barack Obama.
we thank you for any assistance that you maybe able to render to us.
Elizabeth Embry
Antioch California
Tel xxxxx
behalf of the individuals whose names are listed in the petition
An Open Letter to President Barack
Obama to Request for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano
to the Position of Surgeon General
of the United States of America |
Petition submitted online via website of: Senator Daniel
Thank you for submitting your request.
Prefix |
Ms. |
First Name |
Maria Elizabeth |
Last Name |
Embry |
Address |
xxxxxxx |
Address |
City |
Antioch |
State |
CA |
Zip |
94509 |
Home Phone |
925 xxxxx |
Work Phone |
Email | |
Subject |
Health |
Message |
Dear Senator Akaka: We
respectfully seek your assistance in recommending to President Barack Obama the nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano
to the position of the Surgeon General of the United States.
Please allow us to forward to your office the following petition that we had submitted to President Barack Obama. |
Petition submitted online via website of: Senator Daniel Inouye
Petition submitted online via website of: Representative Neil Abercrombie
Thank You |
Thank you for your correspondence.
If you have subscribed to receive e-mail updates from Representative
Neil Abercrombie, your email address will only be used to provide you with periodic updates from Representative
Neil Abercrombie regarding his work in Congress.
Information you submitted is:
Name: Ms. Maria Elizabeth Embry
Address: xxxxx Antioch HI 94509
Would you like a reply to your email?
Your Message: Dear Senator Abercrombie: We respectfully seek your assistance in recommending to President Barack
Obama the nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of the Surgeon General of the United States. Please allow us to forward to your office the following petition
that we had submitted to President Barack Obama. Sir, we thank you for any assistance that you maybe able to render to us.
Respectfully, Maria Elizabeth Embry xxxx Antioch California 94509 Tel xxxx
on behalf of individuals whose names are listed in the petition An Open Letter to President Barack Obama to Request for the
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the Position of Surgeon General of the United States of America |
Petition submitted online via website of: Representative
Mazie Hirono
Thank You
Thank you for your correspondence.
If you have subscribed to receive e-mail updates from Representative Mazie Hirono, your email address will only be used to provide you
with periodic updates from Representative Mazie Hirono regarding her work in Congress.
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the
United States
Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:30 PM
"" <>
Dear Sen
Sir, allow me to resend this e-mail
to you. |
of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States
Monday, April 20, 2009 5:37 PM
"" <>
Letter for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States by President Barack Obama
Senator Espero |
of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States
Monday, April 20, 2009 5:34 PM
Letter for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States by President Barack Obama
Dear Senator Kim,
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie
Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States
Thursday, April 23, 2009 3:26 PM
"m e" <>
sender to Contacts
Dear Linda,
to your attention an e-mail I had sent on 4/20. Thank you for your kindness. Hopefully we could add Sen Hanabusa
to the list of Supporters for the Nomination. We are honored with the addition of the following to our list: Hon Rep Rida
Cabanilla, Ret. Gen Taguba, Dr. Dioso all of Hawaii, Ret Gen Hillman of Wash, State of Maryland Assembly Kris Valderrama & many others
Pls. let
me know if you need more info
Maria Embry
tel xxxxxx
On Mon, 4/20/09, <> wrote:
<> Subject: Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General
of the United States To: Date:
Monday, April 20, 2009, 5:35 PM
Open Letter for the Nomination
of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States by President Barack Obama
Dear Senator Hanabusa, |
Fw: Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie
Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 7:15 PM
"m e" <>
sender to Contacts
Dear Madam,
as per phone conversation w/ lady staff ("Office Manager"). Pls add Gen (Ret) Tony Taguba to the list of supporters.
Maria Elizabeth
925 xxxxx
On Mon, 4/20/09, <> wrote:
<> Subject: Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General
of the United States To: Date:
Monday, April 20, 2009, 5:28 PM
Open Letter for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the
position of Surgeon General of the United States
by President Barack Obama
Dear Senator Green,
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States
Thursday, April 23, 2009 2:16
"m e" <>
Dear Sen Gabbard,
Sir, allow me to follow up a telephone call I received from one of your staff member in response to my request for
your assistance in our petition to Pres. Obama regarding the nomination of Dr. Mariano to the position of Surgeon General
of the United States. I am resending the
e-mail I had sent you previously.
We would be much honored should you decide to join us in our petition by allowing us to list your name as a supporter.
Currently, we are in receipt of similar consent to be listed as supporters from our community leadership to name a few- Rep
Rida Cabanilla (Hi), Assemblywoman Kris Valderrama (Md), Ret Gen Taguba (Hi), Ret Gen Hillman (Wash), Dr. Dioso (Hi) &
Maria Elizabeth Embry
tel 925 754-1795
--- On Mon, 4/20/09, <>
From: <> Subject: Nomination of Rear Admiral
Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States To: Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 5:31 PM
Letter for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States by President Barack Obama
Seantor Gabbard,
Nomination of Dr Connie Mariano for Surgeon General
Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:26 PM
"m e" <>
Hon. Lynn Finnegan
House Republican Leader 32nd Representative District Hawaii State Capitol, Room 328 415
South Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96813
Dear Rep Finnegan:
Nomination of Dr. Connie Mariano to the position of U.S. Surgeon General
Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:32 PM
"m e" <>
46th Representative District Hawaii State Capitol, Room 432 415 South Beretania Street Honolulu,
HI 96813
Dear Rep Magaoay: |
Nomination of Dr. Mariano for surgeon General
Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:20 PM
"m e" <>
42nd Representative
District Hawaii State Capitol, Room 442 415 South Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96813
Dear Rep Cabanilla: |
Nomination of Dr. Mariano for Surgeon General
Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:12 PM
"m e" <>
Hon. Henry J.C. Aquino
House of Representatives
35th Representative District
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 310
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
Dear Rep Aquino:
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the
United States
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 3:57 PM
"m e" <>
Hon. Roland D. Sagum, III
Representative District Hawaii State Capitol, Room 426 415 South Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96813
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of
Surgeon General of the United States of America
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 3:52 PM
"m e" <>
Hon Joey Manahan
29th Representative District Hawaii State Capitol, Room 421 415
South Beretania Street Honolulu , HI 96813
Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to Surgeon General of U.S.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 3:50 PM
"m e" <>
Hon. Kymberly Marcos Pine
Representative District Hawaii State Capitol, Room 333 415
South Beretania Street Honolulu , HI 96813
sent U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 4:23 PM 11KB
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PM 10KB U.S. Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano
Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
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Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 12KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 10KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 10KB
Read U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano Sun, 5/10/09 10KB U.S. Surgeon General
Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:16 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:16 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:16 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:16 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:16 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:15 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:15 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:15 PM 11KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:14 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:11 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:10 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:10 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:10 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:09 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:05 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:04 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:04 PM 10KB
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Surgeon General Nomination for Dr. Connie Mariano 6:04 PM 10KB Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano for Surgeon General Sat, 5/9/09 12KB
you for your e-mail
Thank you for your
e-mail message to my office. Your views are very important to me and I appreciate your taking the time to share your comments
and concerns.
Governor Kathleen Sebelius
For your information
here is what you sent: Title: Ms. First Name: Maria Elizabeth Last Name: Embry Address: xxxxxx City:
Antioch State: Ca Zip: 94509 Phone: xxxxxx Email: Subject:
Nomination of Dr.Connie Mariano for the position of Surgeon General Comment: Hon Sebelius, We would like to plead with
you to endorse to Pres Obama the nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano, the longest serving White House Physician in the
history of US (Pres George HW & George W Bush & pres Clinton) to the position of Surgeon General. We in the Filipino
community would like to be represented in the administration of Pres. Obama.
Maria Elizabeth
Nomination of Dr. Connie Mariano for the position of U.S. Surgeon General
Sunday, April 5, 2009 3:31 PM
"m e" <>
Dear Ms. Kris Valderrama,
Respectfully seeking your assistance to recommend Dr. Connie Mariano to Pres Obama for nomination to the
position of Surgeon General of the United States.
Please allow me to paste here a copy of the petition submitted to Pres. Obama, as well as to Speaker Pelosi,
Senators Feinstein & Boxer & U.S. Rep Tauscher.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch Ca 94509
(925) xxxx
An Open Letter to President
Barack Obama to Request for the Nomination of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano
to the Position of Surgeon
General of the United States of America |
Email John
You should receive an email response within the next few weeks.
John Kerry United States Senator
Senator Max Bacchus
Chairman Committee on Finance
Thank you for submitting
an email to my office. I value your input and assure you that my staff will review your message as soon as possible.
Due to the large amount of
email I receive on a daily basis, it may take my staff up to three weeks to respond to your email. If you have an emergency,
please call my office directly at (800) 332-6106 (from MT) or (406) 657-6790. |
Senator Reid:
We respectfully
seek your assistance in recommending to President Barack Obama the nomination
of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of the Surgeon General of the United States. Please allow us to forward to your office the following petition that we
had submitted to President Barack Obama.
we thank you for any assistance that you maybe able to render to us.
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch California
Tel xxxxx
on behalf
of the following individuals whose names are listed in the petition
of Petition Supportes follows:
of Petition to Pres. Obama follows:
Online receipt
contact 4/13/2009 7:10 PM
E-mail Senator Reid | E-Newsletter | Office Contacts | FAQ
Thank You
Thank you for your interest.
received your request and someone from our office will be in contact with you soon.
Your Filipino Cortez Ancestry & Dr. Connie Mariano
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 6:41 PM
"" <>
Dear Congressman Scott,
Greetings to you, Sir. My name is Maria Elizabeth Embry of Antioch California. I am an amateur researcher who did a research
on your Filipino ancestry. I posted my findings in my website
which I will be enclosing at the end of this e-mail.
Sir, the second purpose of my e-mail is to request for your recommendation to President Barack Obama's nomination in
favor of Rear Admiral Connie Mariano to the position of Surgeon General of the United States. Dr. Connie Mariano served as
the White House Physician for former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush & George H.W. Bush.
I am enclosing a copy of the petition I had submitted to President Obama. I am also enclosing the names of individuals
who are residents of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Texas and who agreed that
their names be submitted with this petition.
Thank you for your kind assistance.
Maria Elizabeth Embry
Antioch California 94509
925 xxxxx |
Receipt online submission of Petition:
Join the Facebook group "Dr. Connie Mariano for Surgeon-General of the U.S." by Atty. Rodel
Rodis of San Francisco Ca.ña-lead-Washingtons-fight-vs-H1N1
'Let Caviteña lead Washington’s fight vs H1N1'
05/04/2009 | 06:52 PM
PINAY vs H1N1. Dr. Connie Mariano, from Cavite
City, is the first Filipina physician of two US Presidents. A group is urging the Obama administration to consider her to
manage the H1N1 crisis. MANILA, Philippines - Filipinos in California are calling on President Barack
Obama to consider appointing the former physician of his predecessors to manage the crisis brought about by the deadly H1N1
virus, more popularly known as “swine flu". "The swine flu pandemic should compel President Obama to appoint
a Surgeon-General to manage this crisis now and there is no one more qualified for this appointment than Dr. Connie Mariano,"
said a group of concerned Filipinos in a statement sent to Philippine News. "She has the background, experience and proven ability to handle the job," they added. The petition called
the ‘Connie Mariano for Surgeon General Campaign’ is aimed at installing the former White House physician for
President Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr to the important post. The group also launched a facebook account to trumpet their calls. Born in Sangley Point Naval Base in Cavite City, Mariano is the first Filipino-American to
reach the rank of Rear Admiral in the US Navy. She is also the first woman to be the director of the White House Medical Unit. In
2001, Mariano retired from the Navy and left the White House to join the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. She was succeeded
as White House Physician by Dr. Richard Tubb. The group is calling on its supporters to e-mail the White House
or call them at 202-456-1111. "Just send a simple message: Please appoint Dr. Connie Mariano as Surgeon-General," they
Hawaii Reporter
Hawaii Senator Will Espero Submits Name of Rear Admiral (Ret). Eleanor 'Connie' Mariano for Surgeon
General of the United States Former White House physician served three Presidents By Richard Rapoza, 5/7/2009 12:41:22 PM
State Senator Will Espero (District 20 – ‘Ewa Beach, ‘Ewa by Gentry, Ocean Pointe, ‘Ewa Villages,
West Loch, Honouliuli, Lower Waipahu) released the following statement today:
“Responding to the appeal of many individuals that there is a need for a qualified Surgeon General in view of the
on-going crisis resulting from the pandemic flu, I have decided to formally submit the name of Rear Admiral (Ret.) Eleanor
'Connie' Mariano for consideration to the position of the Surgeon General of the United States of America by President Barack
“Dr. Connie Mariano, the longest serving White House physician in our nation’s history, is undoubtedly most
qualified for the position of Surgeon General, as shown by her track record of stellar service to our nation. She was the
first woman Director of the White House Medical Unit. Additionally, Dr. Mariano was the first Filipino-American to reach the
rank of Rear Admiral in the United States Navy, after being nominated by President Bill Clinton. Her military awards include
the Presidential Service Badge, three awards of the Navy Commendation Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal, three awards of the
Joint Meritorious Unit Commendation and the Battle E Unit Commendation.
"Her professionalism in handling the public and the media during the administrations of former presidents George H. W.
Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush while remaining focused on their medical care gives Dr. Eleanor 'Connie' Mariano a unique
experience that certainly no other nominee possesses. Her experience in working with the presidential team of physicians while
Director of the White House Medical Unit will be an asset to the administration of the newly nominated Secretary of Health
and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius.
“Dr. Mariano developed a mass casualty-training program while serving as ship’s physician on the U.S.S. Prairie,
which earned the title of ‘Benchmark Ship in Mass Casualty Control’ for two consecutive years during her tour.
Her competent hands-on attendance to the medical needs of the military personnel while assigned at the ship validated her
experience as primary care medical personnel.
“Preparedness for crisis, focus on preventive care and health literacy while providing the best medical care are
challenges met by Dr. Eleanor 'Connie' Mariano daily in her professional life.”
Richard Rapoza is the Director of Communications for the Hawai‘i State Senate majority. Reach him at
Philippine News 5/1/ to 5/7 2009 Yr 48 issue 38 page 1
online edition & paper edition
An appeal for ex White House doc to be named Surgeon General in view of flu crisis
Published: May 3, 2009 | Author: Atty. Rodel Rodis, SF Ca
SAN FRANCISCO — The ‘Connie Mariano for Surgeon General’
campaign issued the following statement:
The swine flu pandemic should compel President Obama to appoint a Surgeon-General
to manage this crisis now and there is no one more qualified for this appointment than Dr. Connie Mariano. She has the background,
experience and proven ability to handle the job.
Please Email:; or Phone: 202-456-1111; or
Mail: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20500 Just send a simple message: Please appoint Dr. Connie Mariano as Surgeon-General.
Wikipedia photo included in the paper edition
Wikipedia has this brief writeup on Mariano:
Dr. Eleanor Concepcion “Connie” Mariano is a physician,
the first Filipino-American to reach the rank of Rear
Admiral in the United States
Navy, the first graduate of the Uniformed
Services University of Medicine to reach flag
officer status and the first woman to be the director of the White House Medical Unit.
Mariano was born at the Sangley Point Naval Base in Cavite City, Philippines in
1955. Two years later, her parents arrived in the United States. Her father served in the navy as a steward and eventually
retired with the rank of Master Chief.
Mariano was the valedictorian of her Mar Vista High School, Imperial Beach, California, class of 1973. She is a University of California, San Diego Alumna from Revelle College where she graduated with cum laude honors and received
her degree in biology at the University of California, San Diego. After her undergraduate studies, Mariano joined the navy
in 1977 where she received her medical degree from the Uniformed Services University of Medicine in 1981 Bethesda, Maryland.
Dr. Mariano was nominated to the rank of Rear Admiral by President Bill Clinton and eventually
served as the White House Physician
for President Clinton and President George W. Bush.
In 2001, Dr. Mariano retired from the Navy and left the White
House to join the Mayo Clinic
in Scottsdale, Arizona.
She was succeeded as White House Physician by Richard
Tubb. In 2005, she went on to found the Center for Executive Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona.Join the Facebook
group “Dr. Connie Mariano for Surgeon-General of the U.S.” |
RADM Eleanor Connie Mariano for Surgeon General
By Romy Monteyro
In a personal letter this writer wrote to President Barack Obama, he
submitted the name of retired Rear Admiral Eleanor Connie Mariano as a nominee for the position of US Surgeon General.
Should President Obama appoint Dr. Mariano to the important and very
prestigious job of Surgeon General, Dr. Mariano will bring to the US Public Health Services her vast experience and expertise
as a medical professional in the US Navy and as the personal physician of two US presidents--- George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
President Clinton, obviously very pleased with the high caliber performance
of Dr. Mariano, nominated her for promotion to Rear Admiral in the Medical Corps , US Navy and at the same time as Chief of
the White House Medical department.
Dr. Mariano holds the distinction of being the first and still the only
woman of Asian or Filipino descent ever to be promoted to star rank in the US Navy.
The daughter of a Filipino US Navy Steward, she was born in the hospital
at the former Clark US Air Force base in Angeles City, Pampanga, and at the age of two was brought to the US by her parents.
Her father Angel Mariano retired from the USN as a Master Chief Petty Officer after 29 years of service and her mother Lourdes
was a dentist.
The young Connie Mariano, who during her early childhood days in Hawaii,
spoke only the Pampango dialect, graduated class valedictorian from the Mar Vista High School in San Diego, California and
completed her bachelors degree, cum laude at the Revelle College of the University of California System.
She was then accepted as a medical student at the United States University
of the Health and Sciences, the medical school that trains physicians for later service in the various branches of the armed
forces of the United States, the US Coast Guard, as well as the US Public Health Services.
This offsrping of a once lowly US Navy steward, who in her own words
said she used to “go through the back doors of the homes of various admirals my father worked for”, has truly
come a long way. Hers was a great achievement all Filipinos and Filipino-Americans should be proud of!
A few days ago, I casually mentioned to a friend who has been active
in Filipino WWII veterans' advocacy, and also an amateur researcher who has a passion for tracing the early steps taken by
footloose and adventurous Filipinos in the New World, Europe and Asia, that I have written a personal letter to President
Barack Obama to consider Admiral Connie Mariano for the position of Surgeon General.
I think I unintentionally struck a flint that sparked what is now slowly
but steadily burning into a fire, because this friend, who I jokingly call “Madam”, started e-mailing friends
in the Fil-Am communities challenging them to join the snowballing campaign to endorse the nomination of Dr. Mariano.
Knowing that Dr. Mariano is most qualified, this campaign is not simply
to ask the President to appoint a fellow Filipino to a high profile position to please the Fil-Ams who voted for him, and
those who did not, like this writer, but more realistically to convince him that Dr, Mariano, given her sterling and colorful
resume, though apolitical, is the right person for the job.
This writer therefore call on all Filipino-Americans, both individuals
and organizations such as the Philippine Medical Association, USA; the Philippine Nurses Association, USA, the US chapter
of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), the various civic organizations both local and national
like National Federation of Filipino-American Associations (NaFFAA), the Fil-Am media and many others, to join the bandwagon
and help in the nationwide campaign to appoint a very deserving Filipino-American to a prestigious position that will benefit
Americans, through the US Public Health Service.
Additionally, this writer, who by the way is a true-blue Republican
and always will be, has also enlisted the help of stalwarts in the Democrat Party, beginning with the FilVets' longtime champions
in Congress, Congressmen Bob Filner, Mike Honda and Susan Davis, and also Senators Daniel Akaka and Daniel Inouye, of Hawaii.
These are the same lawmakers he silently worked with for the last 12 years to obtain the long overdue recognition of the wartime
services of the Filipino WWII veterans, which was unceremoniously placed in the backburner by the infamous Rescission Act
of 1946.
We are, admittedly, strange bedfellows, but for the sake of justice
being served, not to mention compassion for the rapidly vanishing Filipino freedom fighters, who laid their live on the line
during America's darkest hours, I crossed party lines and joined forces with them to achieve a common noble cause.
Fellow Republicans like Congressmen Darrel Issa and Brian Bilbray, and
even former Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham, who unfortunately fell by the wayside, also joined their Democrat
colleagues in the 63-year struggle for justice of the Filipino WWII veterans, which thank God almighty has finally been won!
And what about you, dear readers, would you also lend a hand? It's easy.
In this day and age of state of the art internet technology, your endorsement is only one e-mail away from being counted.
Google the White House website, then click on “contact the president” or something similar to that, then start
typing your endorsement and click it all the way to the White House. I assure you this is one appointee, this current dispensation,
who would not be found lax in paying her taxes.
I hope what started as a flicker would soon catch fire and then turn
into a great conflagration that will create a fiery whirlwind of enthusiastic support that will sweep retired Rear Admiral
Eleanor “Connie” Mariano to the post of US Surgeon General
Other media coverage of Dr. Mariano's nomination
Pinoy Reporter
(serving Wash Oregon & Alaska owned by Mr. Gideon Epistola of John L. Scott Realtors)
not available online
Ang Panahon
writer Ms. Charito Benipayo
not available online
I agree completely with the comments and recommendation of Maria Elizabeth Embry (above) for the nomination of Dr. Eleanor
or Connie Mariano, a retired Rear Admiral of the USN who served three presidents: the Bushes and Clinton to be the next Surgeon
General of the Nation. I am submitting this comment and nomination to Presient Barack H. Obama for I think, as a minority
myself I have the full confidence in her and with her exemplary service to the Presidents and the White House, she is well-qualified
for the job. I have seen her feature on one of the documentary on TV; and I was impressed with her presentation. I recommend
Pres Obama watch her on that TV feature film.
I don’t know if I am allowed to nominate any body for a position in the government although I was a government employee
of the US Air Force and Dept of Commerce/NOAA/NWS (retired).
g. rivera
And YES, Dr. Mariano most certainly should be a competitive candidate for Surgeon General! I will write my Senators, and
US Representatives reg. her nomination.
An expert in executive and presidential health care, Dr. Mariano is a frequent speaker on the topics
of care to VIPs, presidential disability, travel medicine, and optimizing quality of care.
The First Patient: Health and the Presidency
Aired May 25, 2008 - 20:00 ET
Dr Mariano participated in this coverage
Dr. Mariano in her own words:
President Clinton promoted
Dr. Mariano as rear admiral of the US Navy last June (2001). On that occasion, Dr. Mariano narrated how her Filipino family
romanced their own American dream. "I am pleased to stand before you today as proof that Filipino-Americans in the Navy no
longer must go through the kitchen, the back door or the garage,"
"I came to the White House by way of the kitchen,"
she said, brimming with pride. "I came from a family of Navy stewards. The first Mariano who served in the United States Navy
joined in the 1920s. At that time and for many years thereafter, the only way Filipinos were able to serve in the Navy was
as stewards. The Mariano men served with pride and accumulated a total of over 100 years of service among them."
father had served six admirals in their homes,'' Dr. Mariano said. ''So, 45 years later, for this to happen in my family is
quite an honor.''
Dr. Mariano’s father
retired as a master chef after serving 29 years. Dr. Mariano's four Filipino godfathers were also Navy master chefs.
them, Dr. Mariano had this to say: "Thank you for reminding me daily that I owe my presence here to people like you and my
father who paved the way. Thank you for never letting me forget about the qualities of kindness, silent service, loyalty
and humility."
"The Navy meant many things to my family. It meant freedom from poverty, for my father's family
was very poor. The Navy meant the opportunity to succeed. The Navy meant hope that one day your children would get an education
and perhaps boldly dream of becoming physicians or naval officers. The Navy meant all the good things America had to offer," she said.
Dr. Mariano joined the White House Medical Unit after giving a strong answer in her job interview with Burton Lee
III, MD, then chief physician to George H.W. Bush. "You know, Dr. Lee, it's payback time. I owe a lot to the United States.
My father was from the Philippines. He was a poor man, and he joined the U.S. Navy. That gave him a career, and his kids went
to school here. I owe so much to this country."
During Clinton's presidency, Dr. Mariano fielded calls from fellow physicians trying to lend a hand. "Every doctor
in the world loves to second-guess you. They'd see [the president] on television and call and say that he has whatever lesion
they thought it was on his face. I'd say, 'How do you know that?' And they'd say, 'Well, I saw it on television.' "
"What others are saying about Dr. Connie"
President Clinton said he had qualms when Dr. Mariano, a member of the medical staff in the Bush administration,
was proposed to be his full-time physician in the first months of his administration. "This woman's going to be poking around on me for eight years,"
Mr. Clinton said he thought at that time. He noted that she
now has served in a stressful job longer than any other White House physician
Hillary Clinton personally thanked Dr. Mariano for her service
to the American nation, "Our
family loves you and we're grateful to you," Mrs. Clinton told Dr. Mariano in a
ceremony tended for her last June (2001) Source:
Recently, the National Federation of Filipino American Associations honored Mariano for her
remarkable achievements. "As
the daughter of a former Filipino U.S. Navy steward, she (Dr. Mariano) is a living proof that no matter what a person's background
is, we can aspire for top leadership positions in the U.S. government," the federation said.
For more than eight years, a Filipino-American has been making sure that
the world's most powerful person is physically fit to do his work. Her name is Eleanor "Connie" Mariano, a 45-year-old physician
and a top-ranking officer of the US Navy. (2001)
Maj. Gen (Ret) AFP Antonio Sevilla, PMA '74 " "the move to nominate you to
the position of Surgeon General is not only right, but befitting. It is in line with this move that I cast my full & wholehearted
support to you..count me in...anticipating for your favorable endorsement
and selection as the next Surgeon General"
Source: e-mail to Dr. Mariano & M.E.Embry 4/4/2009
Dr. Marconi Dioso, author of the much acclaimed book "A Trilogy of Wars"
"Please include me as one of the supporters for Dr. Connie Mariano's nomination
to be Surgeon General of the United States"
Source: e-mail to M.E.Embry 4/5/2009
Romeo “Romy”
Monteyro Vietnam War veteran USN; retired Colonel (AFP); columnist Philippine Mabuhay News; legislative activist FilVets
"I have written a personal letter to Pres. Barack Obama
to consider Admiral Connie Mariano for the position of Surgeon General…I hope what started as a flicker would soon catch
fire and then turn into a great conflagration that will create a fiery whirlwind
of enthusiastic support that will sweep retired Rear Admiral Eleanor “Connie” Mariano to the post of US Surgeon
General Source: Philippine
Mabuhay News "Why?"
3/12/2009 RADM Eleanor Connie Mariano for Surgeon General
Feliciano Yapit, USAF (Ret); member VFW 4051
I am one of the Filipino-American
of Colorado Springs communities joining for the campaign to
the nomination of Dr. Mariano...most qualified...most deserving Source: letter to Sen Michael Bennet of Colorado 3/24/2009
.Aurora S. Cudal Executive Director Samahan Senior Center San Diego, Califormia
President, Council of Philippine American Organizations of San Diego County, Inc.(1997-98/2004-2005
I strongly concur with the nomination of Dr. Connie Mariano as US Surgeon General, for reasons already cited by those who nominated her earlier (source: e-mail to M.E.Embry 4/5/2009)
Mr. Nestor Palugod Enriquez, USN (Ret) online historian
She is well deserving, I followed her career in my website:
my daughter is an ER doctor and I just read this from her magazine
(AMA news) & you can find it online. Dr. Mariano is pictured/featured..(source: e-mail to M.E.
Embry 4/1/2009)
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